电脑显现屏 英文怎样读
monitor 或是 display terminal Du能够。 不过,现在的人,都随意见 computer screen Huo是 computer display. Bu过,外国电脑专业的可不必定看得懂。
手机屏幕英语怎样说mobile screen
显现器用英语怎样说?displayer 或monito
电脑显现屏的英语怎样写screen1.N-COUNTSee also:big screen;small screen;widescreen;(Dian视、电脑的)屏幕;(电影的)荧幕A screen is a flat vertical surface on which pictures or words are shown. Television sets and computers have screens, and films are shown on a screen in cinemas.
看大屏幕 英语怎样说look at the screen
怎样用英语表明"屏幕花屏"屏幕花屏: screen mess Xian示出现问题、不海楚:display dimness